Agricultural Spraying Products

Chateau -
A contact and soil residual herbicide for season-long weed control in grapes, kiwifruit, pipfruit, stonefruit, bush fruit, hops and shelterbelts.

600gL High Strength Herbicide
A non-residual, non-selective herbicide for weed control prior to planting crops and pasture, prior to harvesting some crops and for general weed control in horticulture, agriculture, and forestry.

Valdo 800WG .
For post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds in clover, lucerne, chicory, new and established pasture and maize.

WeedMaster TS470 .
TS470 offers New Zealand farmers an advanced glyphosate formulation for reliable weed control for a pre-plant spray out prior to planting crops or pasture.

Tribal Gold .
The ultimate selective herbicide for early control of broadleaf weeds in new and established pasture.

Thistrol Plus -
Thistrol Plus is a selective herbicide for controlling broadleaf weeds in young and established pastures, cereals, peas and in white clover and grass seed crops.

Tandus XL .
Tandus XL is a selective herbicide for the control of many broadleaf weeds in apples, wheat, barley and oats.

suSCon Green .
Controls grass grub and manuka beetle in turf, cereals, clover seed and pasture, and black vine weevil in ornamentals using controlled release technology.

Supersil .
An organosilicone penetrant which provides enhanced coverage and uptake of CRUCIAL, WeedMaster G360, WeedMaster TS470, WeedMaster Dry and other herbicides.

Sprinter 700DS -
Non-volatile 2,4-D liquid for broadleaf weed control in pasture and cereal.

Sheriff 100 .
Sheriff 100 is an insecticide for the control of caterpillar pests in vegetable brassicas, maize, sweetcorn and tomatoes, thrips and aphids in onions and tomatoes, grass grub beetle on non-bearing fruit trees and non-flowering newly planted shelter belts, Tasmanian grass grub and red legged earth mite in pasture and industrial pests in buildings.

Sero 750WG .
For control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley and oats, and for use in conservation tillage.

SeQuence .
A selective post-emergence herbicide for grass weed control in broadleaf crops, forage brassicas and forestry. Now registered for use in Fodder Beet & Sugar Beet and Vineyards.

Scrubcutter .
Grass friendly herbicide for the control of gorse, broom, blackberry and other brushweeds. Also for broadleaf weed control in turf.

Roustabout 840 .
For selective pre-emergence weed control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in maize and sweetcorn.

ProGibb SG .
ProGibb SG is a foliar spray that stimulates production of dry matter under rotational grazing when cool soil temperatures limit natural pasture growth rates; to increase cherry firmness and quality and to provide inhibition of flowering of Satsuma mandarins.

Primiera .
Primiera is an easy to use, selective post-emergence herbicide for weed control in maize. Primiera is effective against a wide range of broadleaf weeds and may also provide some control or suppression of several grass weeds.

Prestige .
Prestige is a post-emergence herbicide for the control of some broadleaf weeds in fodder brassicas and radiata pine.