September 28, 2022

Sero 750WG

Sero 750WG

For control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley and oats, and for use in conservation tillage.

Product Group: Herbicide
Active Ingredient: 750g/kg Tribenuron-methyl
Formulation: Water-dispersible granule

Effectively controls, clover, yarrow, thistles, ragwort, sheep’s sorrel, chickweed, spurrey, wild turnip, redroot, shepherd’s purse, fathen, scarlet pimpernel, twin cress and wireweed.

  • Low use rates and rapid rainfastness.
  • Short grazing/cultivation turnaround.
  • Proven performance.


Sero 750WG can be damaging to other crops. Always ensure application equipment is thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated according to label directions before use on sensitive crops.