Agricultural Spraying Products
Spray Out
CRUCIAL - 600gL High Strength Herbicide
Pulse Penetrant
Naill 600EC Herbicide
Sero 750WG
Charter 750WDG
Lion 490 DST
WeedMaster TS470
TS470 offers New Zealand farmers an advanced glyphosate formulation for reliable weed control for a pre-plant spray out prior to planting crops or pasture.
Director CS
Archer 750 Herbicide
Kaiso 50WG
Bonza Gold
Bonza Gold is a high-performance canola oil adjuvant. It is made by reacting canola oil with ethanol made from grain. This canola oil ester is then mixed with emulsifiers and other surfactants to produce an esterified canola oil adjuvant.
Contact Xcel
A non-ionic surfactant which will improve the wetting, spreading and sticking of agricultural and horticultural sprays.
Roustabout 840
Nu-Trazine 900DF
Flowable Atrazine
Latro WG
Kamba 750
Kaiso 50WG
Bonza Gold
Bonza Gold is a high-performance canola oil adjuvant. It is made by reacting canola oil with ethanol made from grain. This canola oil ester is then mixed with emulsifiers and other surfactants to produce an esterified canola oil adjuvant.
Kyte 700WG
Valdo 800WG
For post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds in clover, lucerne, chicory, new and established pasture and maize.
Dictate 480
Chateau - Herbicide
Bonza Gold
Bonza Gold is a high-performance canola oil adjuvant. It is made by reacting canola oil with ethanol made from grain. This canola oil ester is then mixed with emulsifiers and other surfactants to produce an esterified canola oil adjuvant.
Forage Herbs (Chicory or Plantain)
Valdo 800WG
For post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds in clover, lucerne, chicory, new and established pasture and maize.
Kamba 750
Dictate 480
Kaiso 50WG
Bonza Gold
Bonza Gold is a high-performance canola oil adjuvant. It is made by reacting canola oil with ethanol made from grain. This canola oil ester is then mixed with emulsifiers and other surfactants to produce an esterified canola oil adjuvant.
New Pasture
Tribal Gold
Thistrol Plus - Herbicide
Baton 800WSG - Herbicide
Dictate 480
Valdo 800WG
For post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds in clover, lucerne, chicory, new and established pasture and maize.
Nufarm MCPB 400
Bonza Gold
Bonza Gold is a high-performance canola oil adjuvant. It is made by reacting canola oil with ethanol made from grain. This canola oil ester is then mixed with emulsifiers and other surfactants to produce an esterified canola oil adjuvant.
Established Pasture
Agritone 750
Relay Super S
Baton 800WSG - Herbicide
Sprinter 700DS - Herbcide
Dictate 480
Valdo 800WG
For post-emergence control of many broadleaf weeds in clover, lucerne, chicory, new and established pasture and maize.
Charter 750WDG
ProGibb SG
ProGibb SG is a foliar spray that stimulates production of dry matter under rotational grazing when cool soil temperatures limit natural pasture growth rates; to increase cherry firmness and quality and to provide inhibition of flowering of Satsuma mandarins.
Contact Xcel
A non-ionic surfactant which will improve the wetting, spreading and sticking of agricultural and horticultural sprays.
Bonza Gold
Bonza Gold is a high-performance canola oil adjuvant. It is made by reacting canola oil with ethanol made from grain. This canola oil ester is then mixed with emulsifiers and other surfactants to produce an esterified canola oil adjuvant.
Associate 600WDG