September 28, 2022



A cost effective selective systemic herbicide for the control of docks and bracken in established pasture. Now registered for use in the control of Yellow Bristle grass.

Product Type: Herbicide
Active Ingredient: 390 g/L Asulam
Formulation: Soluble Concentrate

  • Controls established docks
  • Easy to use liquid formulation
  • Selective to clover, ryegrass and tall fescue
  • Apply in tank mixture with Baton® 800WSG to control docks and other broadleaf weeds
  • Now registered for use in the control of Yellow Bristle Grass

About Docks

Docks (Rumex sp.) are a prevalent weed throughout New Zealand. They are perennial weeds with a large tap-root system and can quickly out compete surrounding pasture. The broad flat leaves make the weed particularly effective at reducing pasture quality and one dock plant can produce up to 40,000 seeds every year. Docks are also tolerant of poorly drained soil and will often be found in low-lying areas of a paddock. Flowering typically occurs from November to April.

Tips for success

  • Allow at least 2-3 weeks growth after grazing before spraying.
  • Growth allows sufficient leaf area for good uptake and minimises the pasture growth check.
  • Leave at least 7 days (preferably 2-3 weeks) between spraying Dockstar and grazing.
  • Dockstar has no grazing withholding period, but this time delay ensures maximum translocation and efficacy.