September 28, 2022
Agritone 750

A selective herbicide for the control of many broadleaf weeds in established pastures, grass playing fields, lawns, and in cereals, grass seed and linseed crops.
Agritone 750 controls or severely checks the following
Bathurst bur, Black nightshade, Burdock, Buttercups (celery leaved, creeping*, giant* and water), Catsear, Daisy, Dandelion, Fathen, Field cress, Fumitory, Hawkbit, Hedge mustard, Hoary cress, Mouse-eared hawksweed, Nettles, Onehunga weed, Oxtongue, Pennycress, Plantain, Ragwort*, Redroot, Shepherd’s purse, Storksbill, Thistles (Californian*, nodding*, Scotch, sow, star, welted*, winged* and variegated), Tiger weed (Beggar’s ticks), Twin cress, Watercress*, Wild turnip.
- Cereals – barley, wheat, ryecorn, oats.
- Grass seed.
- Linseed.
- Pastures, lawns, playing fields.