
Dock .
Docks (the broadleaf variety is the most commonly seen) is a perennial with a large tap-root. Small and prostrate on regularly mown fields, it gets quite large in sidings ground and pasture.
Seeds survive a long time, and build up in soil. Cultivated soil is often infested again quickly, both by the seeds and re-growth of tap roots which are often not destroyed by cultivation.

Parsley Piert .
Parsley piert plants looks a lot like the Italian Parsley used in the kitchen. Each leaf is made of 3 parts, which are also divided at the tip. Parsley piert tends to establish in autumn and seed in spring.

Henbit .
Henbit is an annual with purple flowers grouped at the base of leaves. It has squared stems, and deep taproots.

Camomile .
Chamomile can germinate in soil all year round although primarly in spring and autumn. Control BEFORE seeding is extremely important or chamomile can take over large areas quite quickly.

Wire Weed .
Wireweed is a summer annual which establishes very early in Spring, expecially in wetter soil. It establishes well in bare soil, and is very tollerant of tredding, making it a common sight around farm gates and paths

Twin Cress .
Twin Cress forms as a circular mat with hairless, fringed leaves on alternate sides of the stems. There tend to be more leaves on one side of the steam than the other (which is a distinguishing characteristic, as is the distinctive smell of the crushed leaves). Stems are initially fragile, but later become tougher and sprawling. It has small white flowers, and pairs of pods.

Fumitory .
Scrambling Fumitory is a climbing weed which generally germinates in spring and autumn.
This annual is a common sight in NZ crops and gardens. It has a celery like leaf, and distinctive pink flowers with purple tips. The stems are quite floppy.

Field Pansy .

Groundsel .

Thorn Apple .
Thorn apple can be a tall erect plant with long, smooth, toothed leaves about 8 to 20 cm long. The upper surface of the leaves is a darker green, and the bottom is a light green.
A very difficult weed to control late, best controlled as a small seedling.

Canadian fleabane .
Prolific and fast growing, it prefers light soils and can withstand dry conditions. Fleabane produces a large number of seeds which can germinate in both spring and autumn.
Spray at seedling to small rosette stage.

Storksbill .

Willow weed .

Oxeye Daisy .
A perennial weed that becomes more prominent in spring. Often found in open pastures and on sideings. A very difficult weed to control. Find out more

Pennyroyal .

Cornbind .
Black Bindweed, Greater Bindweed, Field bindweed, Convolvulus and Cornbind are long clambering vines. Their large trumpet flower and heart shaped leaves are a common site in gardens, waste areas and along roads.
Autumn is the best time to spray bindweed foliage initially, but it is important to then re-spray any regrowth in spring.

Wild turnip .

Cleavers .
Cleavers is an annual, often found in gardens and wasteland, germintating in shady areas. Cleavers have shallow roots, so are easy to destroy via pulling or cultivation.
It is important to control with pesticides while still young, as it is tough to kill otherwise.

Fleabane .

Nettles aka Stinging Nettle .
Nettles are fast-growing, and can quickly choke out new grass and clover. Herbicides applied at the seedling to small plant stage is a very effective method of control. Higher rates at larger growth stages will only suppress the plant, not kill it, so early application is best. Find out more

Shepherd's Purse .
Because it is able to germinate and grow right through the year, Shepherd's purse's distinctive 10-15cm wide rosette shape is often noticed in winter when there is least competition.
Its long lasting seeds has been seen to last decades in the soil. It can go through multiple generations in a single year.

Chickweed .
Chickweed is a small, scrambling, very shade tollerant, annual. It can germinate and grow throughout the year, commonly being seen as a winter annual in pastures and crops, particularly autumn-saved pastures.

Scrambling Speedwell .
Scrambling Speedwell is a sprawling annual, germinating in both autumn and spring. Its small blueish white flower is a common sight in gardens and crops, growing more quickly on bare ground.

Spurrey / Yarr .
Spurrey is in annual weed, also known as Yarr, usually getting established in autumn and flowering in spring. The flowers are small and white and clustered at the ends of the stem. Its seeds can remain dormant in soil for several years, re emerging when plowing brings up burried seeds.
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