Seasonal Agricultural Spraying
Spring .
Preplanting preparation for Maize
A pre-plant clean-up saves time.
In spring, before establishing the crop, spray to kill the existing vegetation. This clean-up provides the following benefits:
- Controls perennial weeds to minimise competition in the maize crop.
- Reduces the tillage required to produce an excellent seedbed, saving time and money, because plant root breakdown has already been achieved by CRUCIAL.
- Keeps the paddock in production longer beforehand, because an extensive cultivation or fallow period is not required for the new crop.
- Weather is less likely to delay planting, since you are not relying on so many suitable days for cultivation.
Winter .
As suitable herbicides that can be used in an established lucerne crop are limited, a focus on a robust annual winter clean up programme when the crop is dormant will help keep on top of weeds and maintain crop productivity.
The dormant phase allows the selective use of triazine herbicides with minimal crop damage. Extra care is required when lucerne is not a dormant type.
Autumn .
Start early where perennial weeds are a problem In autumn control hard to kill perennial weeds (especially browntop, couch, Californian thistles, Mercer grass, paspalum, Kikuyu, etc).
Then sow a short-term crop (ryegrass or cereal) for some high quality grazing or silage